High School Survival Guide

HSC hacks: how to set goals and focus during your final exams

By Donnay Torr

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The countdown to the HSC has begun! Sucks, but someone’s gotta do it, right? (And by “it” we mean study, eat, study, walk, study…). If you're feeling overwhelmed, we don’t blame you.

Just try to remember this adage: How do you eat an elephant? Bit by bit. This basically means breaking down the massive goal of surviving your final exams into smaller, manageable parts. Start by setting goals for your exams, and then honing your focus to stick to your plan.

How to set goals and keep them

Breaking your study goals down into smaller more achievable ones is essential for maintaining focus and motivation. Discover how with this FREE workbook.

Download guide here


Does your brain regularly go off for a wander in the middle of a crucial task? Here’s how to find your focus – and keep it. Download the FREE workbook now!

Download guide here

Thinking about life after high school?

If you have one or two careers in mind that you’d like to try one day, you can test if you’re a good fit for them and find out in which areas you need to improve by doing this test. It’s fast and free, so get to it!

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