
Shelf Fillers

Retail & Consumer Products

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Employed in Australia



Strong growth


Shelf Fillers fill up shelves and display areas in stores and supermarkets.

Job Titles

mdi-briefcase-variant Shelf Filler

Job Tasks

This occupation may include associated occupations with varying tasks.

  • placing goods neatly in bins and on racks and stacking bulky goods on floors
  • filling shelves with goods ensuring goods with the earliest use-by dates are at the front of shelves
  • noting what has been sold and collecting goods needed from the stockroom using a trolley
  • maintaining shelf order by removing stock belonging to a different location
  • may help customers find goods they need
  • may price goods

Training & Qualifications

Vocational education & training (VET)

  • Formal Qualifications are not Required
More about VET


Retail & Consumer Products

If you’re interested in selling products to customers, displaying goods for sale, or working in Retail operations then the Retail & Consumer Products industry could be the place for you to kick-start your career journey.The Retail industry is huge and covers a diverse range of products including groceries, personal-care items, white goods, apparel and motor vehicles. These goods are purchased from domestic or overseas manufacturers and wholesalers to be onsold (retailed) to local customers.There is more to Retail & Consumer Products than just selling products. A career in this industry could involve work in administration, customer service, employee relations, finance, inventory, loss prevention, merchandising or marketing. The supermarket and grocery category is the largest retail employer in Australia, followed by the pharmaceutical sector, so you could find your career starts right where you already do your own shopping!The increased popularity of buying and selling products and services over the internet has led to a growth in online retailing or electronic commerce (e-commerce) businesses, creating new job opportunities in what is a very exciting segment of the industry.

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