Educators and Advisors

Jobs of the Future


Carving out a lasting and impactful career isn’t as straightforward as it once was. Gone are the days of finishing school, heading to university and scoring a job that remained yours for decades. These days, school leavers are jumping into the gig economy one leap at a time – and while non-traditional – the possibilities are endless. From flexible working hours to office locations limited only by technology, the new way of making a living is in the palm of your hand (literally – all you need is a phone). Here’s your cheat-sheet to helping your students make the right career choices in an ever-evolving world.


Customised career opportunities are more important than ever before – especially for those preparing to enter the workforce. While university pathways often appear to be the most attractive option and students are encouraged to aim for a spot at university, there are other options. This is especially true if you’re aware their passions and skills are more aligned toward a VET pathway. Why not let your students know they have options and that their career can be tailored to what they want? Registered psychologist, Danielle Buckley, believes in the importance of recognising skills and allowing these to guide next steps. “It’s critical young people know what skill cluster they fall into so they can match their skills to their career goals,” she explains. “When young people are in an environment where they’re likely to use and develop the skills they’re good at, it’s far more likely they will feel satisfied and enjoy their job.” Danielle believes the importance of doing so lies in the outcome of job satisfaction, which leads to higher levels of wellbeing and “minimises churn, false starts and negative workplace experiences for both employee and the employer.”

"When young people are in an environment where they're likely to use and develop the skills they're good at, it's far more likely they will feel satisfied and enjoy their job."

- Danielle Buckley, Registered Psychologist


From where we’ve been to where we are now, there’s no denying there’s been major changes to Australia’s professional sector. Employers no longer care as much about where your students have studied, they’re more interested in acquiring new entrants into the job market who are ready to take on their first role and have soft skills that exist beyond a certificate or degree. They want to know their employees can communicate, lead, and work well in a team. Within the next five years it’s estimated that a number of industries will continue to evolve and experience ongoing growth including healthcare and social assistance, construction, and education and training. Help ensure your students are prepared for this by working on the personable and leadership skills – the unique talents that will help stand out from other candidates. 


While there seems to be a never-ending amount of new industries for students to explore, it’s important to ensure your students are considering industries that specifically need their talents. The Australian Jobs 2018 report, which was released by the Department of Jobs and Small Business believes the strongest area of growth will lie within the health care and social assistance industries, with up to 250,500 roles set to appear in the next five years. 

Three students talking


Although the biggest growing industry in Australia is the health industry, it doesn’t mean we all need to pop on a white coat and search for the closest stethoscope. There are a number of booming industries your students might be excited to explore, including professional, scientific and technical services, and education and training. These industries might be a good jumping off point for those who have no idea where they see themselves in the future. But how do you get your students interested? Why not consider inviting industry speakers to present to your school or encourage the idea of part-time work for your students? Studies show that adolescents benefit from exposure to industry throughout their schooling, so it would be worth considering the above options or investigating the potential for work experience or volunteering. 


While each student will eventually discover and follow their own path, there are a number of ways to guide them towards the best next steps. If you find you’re too time poor, are struggling with a limited budget or are searching for the latest careers information – Skillsroad is here to help. We have a range of tools and advice on offer for students, employers, parents and teachers alike. Not only are we here to support you, we’re at the ready to help your students figure out the next steps forward. We’ve got career quizzes, no-nonsense CV and cover letter advice as well as an entire section dedicated to an information breakdown of each industry.   

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