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Searching for roles
We get it, this can be a frustrating process! Many jobs are filled before they are advertised, there may be limited jobs going in your area and there are often hundreds of applicants applying for the same job roles which can make the job hunting process a little challenging!
But most importantly, don't give up as perseverance is key!
It is definitely worth utilising all methods of job hunting when it comes to finding your dream job. Some employers like it old school and advertise their job vacancies in the local newspaper. It is also worth talking to your personal network like family friends or working friends who may have heard of some opportunities where they work or in nearby businesses. Your connections can be very useful when it comes to finding work.
Online job platforms
There are multiple online platforms to submit your resume. This gives you a chance to search for a range of roles that suit your interests and match your strongest skills.
Be sure to check out the Skillsroad Jobs Board for a range of casual, part-time, full-time roles, apprenticeships and traineeships. If you can't find any vacant roles in your area have a look online across other jobs boards, as some employers tend to post to multiple platforms.
One way to approach employers is to "cold canvass".
Basically, this means approaching an employer at their workplace about the possibility of working for them. Seems scary, we know… but on the plus side, it means you can target a business you want to work for instead of waiting for a job to become available.
Be sure to take a resume and cover letter with you. An employer may follow up at a later date if they don’t have a vacancy immediately.
Making a call
Trust us, it’s as simple as it sounds!
Calling a business that has not advertised any vacant jobs to check in and see if there are any jobs available can prove to be very productive.
But how do I make it a successful call?
- Be clear in your mind about the purpose of your call
- Find out as much as you can about the business before making the call
- Make note about the questions you will ask and the information you will need to give
- At the start of the call, be sure to clearly state your name and who you want to talk to
- Have an answer prepared if you go to the voicemail!
Things to talk about when cold calling an employer:
- Explain why you have chosen to call that particular business. This will show you've done your research and you're very keen to work there.
- It is good to take notes while the person is talking. It is all right to ask them politely to slow down or to repeat something you have missed.
- Research common interview questions and be prepared with answers.
- When you have finished the discussion, it is useful to give a short summary of what you understand has happened and been discussed. This makes sure that you and the other person are clear about what has been said.
Group Training Organisations
Group Training Organisations (GTO's) employ both apprentices and trainees and hire them out to different businesses on a short or long-term basis.
This approach enables smaller businesses to take on apprentices and trainees, even though in some cases they cannot provide apprentices and trainees with the broad range of skills needed to complete their training.
GTO's place apprentices and trainees with a range of small and large host businesses who provide on-the-job training.
For a list of GTO's in your area, visit Group Training Australia.
Grow your resume while you wait
Last tip! Just because your dream job isn’t open right now, doesn't mean you shouldn’t be doing everything you can to make sure you’re a perfect match for when it is available.
- Start taking on more leadership roles in school and sport, this will look great on your resume
- Volunteer or look for work experience in your desired field. It may be for free but that experience will be INVALUABLE when you’re applying for your job