Skills Persona

The Designer

The Designer

I am curious and love to construct things. If you wanted the tallest and strongest tower made of spaghetti and marshmallows, ask me, I love a challenge! I like to understand the theories that sit behind the design and creativity of things and how they are made. When I think about my skills and the type of work I’d like to get into, it would definitely be something that blends maths, science and engineering and art. Chimpanzees are great at creative problem solving with others, and I dig that!


We all have out own set of strengths. People who identify with this persona often have these strengths.


Numbers and equations is your second language. When creating the perfect structure, numbers matter!

Problem Solving

Someone throws you a problem and you can solve it! You enjoy considering complex problems and using your skills to solve it


Great science is your kind of art! You’re fascinated by how things work and always turn to science for an explanation of why and how.


You like to apply math and science into the world of creating and constructing!


You have a good eye for design; in fact, you were pretty much created to create!

Inspiring people with this skill set

Boyan Slat

Boyan Slat: Founder of the Ocean Clean-Up. At 16 years of age, Boyan saw more plastic bags than fish when scuba diving in Greece. He thought: “Why can’t we just clean this up?”

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